Applications are invited from eligible candidates to work in the field for collection of data and compilationfrom the states of Maharashtra- 10 Nos, Andhra Pradesh- 5 No’s, Telangana- 10 Nos, Odisha- 3 No’s,Chhattisgarh – 3 No’s, Madhya Pradesh – 3 Nos and Subject Matter specialist who are conversant in locallanguage to work under lnstitute of Forest Biodiversity ,Hyderabad under the project entitled ” Preparation of DPRfor rejuvenation of River Godavari through forestry interventiond’. The engagement of Field Assistant & SubjectMatter Specialist will be purely temporary and co-terminus with the projec
Terms of Reference:
1.The selected candidates will be responsible for collecting and verifying filed data for their respectivestate s.
2. The engagement shall be purely contractual & on time bound basis/co-terminus with the project.
3. The engagement does not confer any right/claim whatsoever either explicitly or implicitly for anyregular appointment in ICFRE or any of its lnstitutes against any post or otherwise under any legalcondition or precedent.
4. The engagement can be discontinued at any time, if the work or conduct is not found satisfactory orup to the mark by giving a fifteen day notice
.5.lnterested candidates may send their applications giving full bio-data including address forcommunication with attested copies of degree certificates and one passport size photograph etc