Xiaomi provider Holitech Technology on Saturday said it has initiated its first part assembling plant in Greater Noida and will contribute about $200 million (generally Rs. 1,397 crores) more than three years in the nation.
Holitech Technology would produce minimized camera modules (CCM), capacitive touch screen module (CTP), slender film transistor (TFT), adaptable printed circuits (FPC) and unique mark module locally.
Spread crosswise over four processing plants and traversing more than 25,000 square meters. The part assembling plant will begin large scale manufacturing with a generation. Limit of more than 300 million segments for each year.
“Xiaomi has seen huge development in the nation and we are certain that Holitech’s arrangements. For India will proclaim another phase of advancement for the gadgets fabricating. Industry in India,” Muralikrishnan B, Chief Operating Officer, Xiaomi India, said in an announcement.
The plant likewise gloats of class 1000 and class 100 clean room. A perfect room is a contained space where arrangements are made to diminish particulate tainting. And control other ecological parameters, for example, temperature, mugginess and weight.
“The incredible development of Xiaomi alongside their drives to advance nearby assembling. Has urged us to investigate part fabricating for Xiaomi in India,” said Chenguisheng, CEO, Holitech Technology.